Chin Up, Buttercup

This is a page for happy making things to brighten your day. I add to it periodically, so check in. If you have something to share, send me the link in an email!

This one is not so much a cheer up video, but I did find it comforting. It may have a bit of a, "Jesus is my homeboy" feel to it, but this guy is legit. Solid advice.

Yeah, getting divorced is kind of like that.
(P.S. Good thing Indiana Jones was there to push away a decaying skeleton. She clearly couldn't have done that on her own.)

A beautiful reminder that it's okay to be alone. <3

Have you ever been this happy to see a Cheese Doodle?

A music video of mimes battling. Don't be deceived by the synopsis, it's actually quite unique.

No matter how many times I watch this one, it makes me happy. Every. Single. Time. Try and watch it without laughing. I dare you.

We all pretend we're something we're not sometimes. (Cat video)

A recording of Carolina Chocolate Drops, singing No Man's Mama live. Don't miss this one. It's too good. The anthem of the happy divorcee!

A short film of a story told by a six year old. It is perfect, in every way.

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