The true story about the woman not really named Imogen Frowfrow is that she was raised as a west coast girl in two homes with four siblings, five step sisters, two half brothers, four parents, innumerable dying pets and a partridge in a pear tree. With a passion for words, beards, bright colors and beaches, Imogen feels most at home making things beautiful yet functional, cheering for the underdog, and contemplating the reasons for things that have no reasons. Despite the chaos of her upbringing, Imogen has managed to do a few conventional things. She attended college, trained in the art of therapeutic massage, and served a mission in the LDS church. At this moment you’ll find her studying art on a tropical island--obviously. She dreams of thrifting her way across the US in a VW van, creating and inhabiting the worlds cutest retro apartment in a city full of funky old things and smart people, and owning a satisfactory collection of vintage sleep ware and wooden parrot jewelry. With these three things under her belt she will be at peace knowing she has achieved her destiny as a gypsy, bohemian, free thinking, big hearted, loud mouthed Mormon girl who loves Jesus more than French toast and Jack White put together.
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